So recently I've been feeling a bit blue; when I tried to pin point the reason, I realized it was because time was constantly going by so fast that I don't know how or what to do with myself. The pressure of finding a job after graduation, the pressure of having to study and do well, and the pressure of having confidence in what I do began to slowly weigh down on me and I started to feel restless.
Thus with this memorial weekend, I decided to take two days off for myself and enjoy my weekend to the best of my abilities and see if I can place things back into perspective.

Friday began with a rainbow and later that night my friend L. and I went to Bar Pink Elephant in North Park to watch a friend of mine play live. The atmosphere was saturated with alcohol, it was easy to simply get drunk and lost in the mood without even touching any drinks. Came home around 2am and promptly went to bed. Woke up around 9am the next day and proceed to check out the International Food Fair at Balboa Park.

The park itself was jammed pack with people, but all in all it was a good day to have a food fair. In the end, An. and I shared Hungarian sandwiches, Irish Banger, Spanish lemonade and Italian orange sorbet punch. We were so full in the end we had to walk around Balboa Park aimlessly just to try to digest!
Here are the pictures that I actually got of the food before we consumed them:
Spanish Lemonade:

And the Irish Banger:

We felt like two little piggies by the end of the afternoon. :) But it was all good--we redeemed ourselves by going for an evening run a couple hours after. So I guess the caloric intake and output will even out.
I still feel scared at what will eventually come of these two weeks and after finals. But after yesterday and today...somehow all this stress seems slightly more manageable. I guess this is why people need vacations after all. I'll just have to remember to take a deep breath and work at my own pace and rhythm.