"Moving on is not about never looking back. It is taking a glance at yesterday and noticing how much you've grown since then." --Anon.
I think the above quote really put what I have been feeling in the past couple of days in a nice little sentence. Though if it were up to me, I would insert a couple colorful expletives to make it more realistic and not seem as if I live in such bubble in which the sun shines every day and unicorns and puppies run free.
The year 2008 has been a year full of struggle and growth. The struggle to get to know my self again, and allowing the growth towards the person who I have always wanted to be. I was glad I agreed to the decision that was made this time last year--albeit a bitter and hurtful one--it made me, me again. I fought through this year with tears and pain, and I pulled through because of my determination and help of family and friends (new and old).
Small highlights in no particular order: better grades, a couple dates (rejected and got rejected), ocean kayaking, a new job, discovered new things about myself, welcome new friends and re-discovered old ones, started running...and a couple more that I'm sure will come to me eventually. :P
So family and friends, a very sincere thanks, I could not have done it without you guys. Here is to a brighter new year and to more maturity sans going through tears and pain (okay...fine...a little less would be nice for a change).
Goodbye 2008, and Hello 2009.