Finally after almost a year of taking pink photos with weird striations and black photos I will be the proud owner of a new shiny blue camera! <3
Hopefully I will have a lot more opportunities next quarter to use this little baby.
Life in general has been going well. I think things in general are going in a positive direction; I feel much more alive and competent when I am working or just simply actively doing something.
So...what to say about my date the other night other than the fact that he was absolutely fantastic and gentleman in anyway imagined possible. WELL other than the fact that he was freaking TALL and I was...ermmmm still very vertically challenged in my heels. But anyways, I had an awesome night, showered by compliments and a lot of deep and interesting conversation. Future dates might be in sight, however it is not to be certain; said only because I'm never the optimist--I'll believe you when I feel it is real baby. (And it doesn't help that I'm in Irvine and he is in SD >_<) Ah, spring break has never felt so long, and it is only Monday! HA!
Anyways, to prevent myself turning into a lovesick fool for something shimmering that hasn't the slightly possibility of developing...I shall busy myself with trips to the beach, going out with friends, and getting ready for classes next quarter.
oh...and lastly...I know probably no one reads this...but GO ALBERT WANG!!!! KICK ASS in Taiwan, and we wish you the best and will continue to support you from the other side of the Pacific.