Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yoga = Soreness

Today, instead of running, I went to do Bikram Yoga. Yoga totally kicked my butt. Returning from a hiatus of 2 weeks and jumping in after a night of partying at friend's wedding does not equal a very happy body.

For the most part I was able to make it through the class, but after class I just felt like a puddle of jelly, and muscle soreness in every fiber I possess. Blah. Tomorrow it will be a toss up between going to yoga again or getting my ass out there/on a treadmill and running again. In all honesty, I would much prefer running, however I bought a couple classes and they do need to be used up soon, dilemmas dilemmas.

I suppose it all depends on how everyone else (I have buddies) feels by the end of the day.

Aside from soreness, I manage to clean up the apartment, do laundry, and bake an apple cinnamon cake with cream cheese frosting! Yum.

Hope ya'll had a great day!

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This site's main theme more so stems from "Grace Kelly" by Mika. There is absolutely no association with Grace Kelly the actress. I only wish I could have 1/2 the grace she possesses on screen. *sighs*