Yay!!!!!! You can TOTALLY do it!!!!! I always break down a half marathon when I'm running it: a 5 miler, a 2nd 5 miler, and a 5K. It's a lot easier, especially for your first one, if you break it down into smaller parts vs. thinking about it in terms of 13 miles. You DEFINITELY have time to train..and I love that you signed up!!!
This site's main theme more so stems from "Grace Kelly" by Mika. There is absolutely no association with Grace Kelly the actress. I only wish I could have 1/2 the grace she possesses on screen. *sighs*
Yay!!!!!! You can TOTALLY do it!!!!! I always break down a half marathon when I'm running it: a 5 miler, a 2nd 5 miler, and a 5K. It's a lot easier, especially for your first one, if you break it down into smaller parts vs. thinking about it in terms of 13 miles. You DEFINITELY have time to train..and I love that you signed up!!!
Knock 'em dead Alice! You can totally do it!
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