Monday, September 5, 2011

And it begins...

I realized in the past two weeks that whenever I stop posting, it also seems like I stop running as well. Then like a positive feed back loop, the vicious cycle will continue until I decided that it is enough sluggishness for me and do something about it.

Labor day weekend activities that brought me out of my "funk" so to speak were the following: (not so) hot yoga, paddle boarding, hanging out with visiting high school friends, and most of all, running a mile (still sore from paddle boarding).

So tonight I sit here in front of the computer, pensive; despite knowing that this coming short week will be crazy, I somehow feel alright about it. Last minute change of travel plans, need to get started on presentation for Portugal, planning experiments, dinner parties for friends birthdays....etc...and the list goes on. So many things, so little time.

Like running, one step at a time and one breath at a time. No?

Let us hope that I will be less sore tomorrow and will actually be able to go out for a proper run. It is definitely over due.

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This site's main theme more so stems from "Grace Kelly" by Mika. There is absolutely no association with Grace Kelly the actress. I only wish I could have 1/2 the grace she possesses on screen. *sighs*