Thursday, November 10, 2011

A date with oneself

After quite the anticipation, I'm currently on my vacation, visiting a childhood friend in SF. Since friend K. had to work an evening shift today, I was free to roam around Golden Gate park and the streets surrounding it.

Cruising around the streets of SF with K. earlier in the morning

I first attempted a light jog through the park but was quickly stunned by the simple beauty of the park and then promptly distracted by all the squirrels that were scattered along all the trails and coming up to me every other minute, with hunger in their eyes, hoping that I would toss them something edible. Like the true athlete I am, I gave up my run and went for a walk instead. I figured if I went slow enough, I'd be able to enjoy the scenery around me and get to bask briefly in the warm Nor Cal sun.

Strolling through the park, listening to quacking/chirping of birds, watching the sparkles reflecting off the surface of the lake, and just being able to walk or sit there to my hearts content was definitely quite the treat. No rush, no time limit, no body to meet. Absolutely perfect.

I realized that travelling alone forces myself to listen to those thoughts inside my head. To listen inwards, to listen to my heart, my instincts, my likes and dislikes....basically just me, myself and I.

It is nice to just have a date with oneself in a while. Not only it can be quite refreshing, but it is surprisingly meditative. I wonder why I don't do this more often?

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This site's main theme more so stems from "Grace Kelly" by Mika. There is absolutely no association with Grace Kelly the actress. I only wish I could have 1/2 the grace she possesses on screen. *sighs*