Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Post date and Running

So I met up with said boy that left my heart pitter pat a while ago and the result was a simple "meh". I think the anticlimactic meeting was more so of a result of him being late, and firing off so many questions at once it seemed like I was in an interview.

I'd think I would go out with him a couple more times if he calls, but I think from the radio silence that I heard last couple of days, nothing will come of it.

On the other hand, on the running front, I did my first 2 miles consecutively at 25:49minutes. Yay!!! Since my running schedule called for only 2 miles, I didn't want to muck it up and push too hard by doing 3 just to spite it. But splits at 12:29 and 12:54 aren't too bad. I wonder if I had did the third mile what it would look like and if I would be able to hold up or not.

The 5k I registered I think is a relatively flat course, whereas the normal trail I run on is pretty hill-y for a lack of better words. Would this help? Or would it turn around and bite me in my arse? Well, enough wondering...hopefully I will have enough time tomorrow evening to be able to go for a run and then off to dinner with da sister.

I hope I keep this up. Because me, the ex-anti-runner, the plump chick is now a runner. Biatches! And it feels quite liberating. Fuck ya.

And no...those aren't my hairy legs. Just an image thanks to google search.

1 comment:

Amanda @ Running On Waffles said...

I love training on hills and then running on a flat course. It definitely helps with your speed and stamina!!


This site's main theme more so stems from "Grace Kelly" by Mika. There is absolutely no association with Grace Kelly the actress. I only wish I could have 1/2 the grace she possesses on screen. *sighs*