Saturday, November 3, 2007


Lets see how many words I can come up with that means tired for the next few days.

Today was way too much eventful than I would of liked. First of all, slept through classes and had to rush to the practicum fair with J.. In all fairness, the practicum sounds like actually something fun that I would like to do for a change, so that was pretty good. Got to lab, and found out that the traffic surrounding campus was due to a fact that someone threw a pipe bomb on the freeway that passes through under one of the campus bridges, so part of the campus was shut down. Lovely.

Stayed at work till 7ish, went home to eat, print out some hand outs and went back to lab to study in one of those conference rooms. As I pulled into to one of the parking lots, in the middle of the empty parking lot, there was a bleach-shaped bottle wrapped up in a plastic bag, just sitting in the middle of the parking lot. GAHHHHHH! There was no one around so I couldn't rely on someone else to report the I had to call campus police. Which led to, waiting and eventually talking to police and waiting with them a little bit more for the EH&S to come pick it up.

Talk about uneventful night of studying. SIGH, at least I memorized the 20 amino acids...errr I think. Now I'm so tired, but I can't sleep and the neighbors upstairs are being a pest, making noises at 1:45am in the morning. Can I strangle someone please?

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This site's main theme more so stems from "Grace Kelly" by Mika. There is absolutely no association with Grace Kelly the actress. I only wish I could have 1/2 the grace she possesses on screen. *sighs*